Looking for a job in Belgium

Flanders, home to 
your new career

Looking for a job in Belgium

Are you looking for a job in Belgium, or more specifically in Flanders? We'll tell you everything you need to know and help you get started. 


Belgium offers a wealth of career opportunities. Whether you're looking for a job in the latest industries, in education, or in a specific trade…

Explore our range of vacancies

Sector information

In Belgium and Flanders the most critical bottlenecks are medium- and highly-skilled technical profiles in industry, construction, IT and health care. 

Find out more:

Applying for a job

Have you found a job you want to apply for? The first step is writing a CV and cover letter.

There are many different ways to write a CV. Check out our various examples and templates. You can also write your own Europass CV. This format is accepted in Flanders and throughout Europe.

Make sure you include all the information in your CV that shows you are the right person for the job. Not sure what to mention? Look at the job listing. List all your relevant work experience, education, skills, and any other information about yourself that you want your future employer to know. Be professional!

In a cover letter, you explain why you are the most suitable candidate for the job. Avoid repeating the information in your CV. Instead, explain why this specific job and company attracts you.

Do you have any questions?

Mail to international@vdab.be.

How to translate Dutch pages?

Sometimes we refer to pages in Dutch. You can automatically translate them via your browser in English. Click on your browser for more info: Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Safari on Mac, Safari on Iphone, Android.

Do you already live in Flanders?

How to translate Dutch pages?

Sometimes we refer to pages in Dutch. You can automatically translate them via your browser in English. Click on your browser for more info: Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Safari on Mac, Safari on Iphone, Android.