
Co-Searching workshop: improve your cover letter with AI tools

Wat is het?

As a jobseeker it can be hard to keep up with a rapidly changing labour market and new technologies. Luckily we can use these new technologies like AI in our advantage! In this workshop we will explore different AI tools and use them specifically to write and/or improve our cover letter.
We will explore a few tools and experiment together. You don't need any knowledge or experience withe AI tools before coming to the workshop. This is your chance to learn and explore in a group of jobseekers. Don't forget to bring your laptop to the workshop, if you have one.
We're looking forward to get to know you!

Wie organiseert het?

Co-Searching is a non-profit organization that organises free and interactive workshops and conversation groups for jobseekers. We exchange experiences, share tips and tricks, give each other direct feedback. Co-Searching is a network of jobseekers that want to help and inspire each other in the search for a job.
Workshops and conversation groups are prepared and guided by Co-Searching volunteers. Our volunteers are jobseekers or working.

Voor wie wordt het georganiseerd?

This workshop is open for all jobseekers and working people who want to learn and discuss. You are welcome regardless of your age, sector, gender, education level, etc.
This workshop requires enough knowledge of English to be able to participate in a conversation.

Waar en wanneer?

Datum Startuur Einduur Locatie
donderdag, 25 juli 2024 19:00 21:30 130 Smidsestraat