
DUO for a JOB Oost-Vlaanderen - Online information session: Find your new job with the help of a mentor!

Wat is het?

DUO for a JOB links job-seeking young with a migration background from outside the EU with people over 50, who volunteer to support and guide them in their job search. Through this intergenerational and intercultural coaching, DUO for a JOB wants to contribute to equal access to the labor market for everyone.

The young person and the mentor meet for at least two hours every week for 6 months. Together they look for a job and / or vocational training, work on the young person's CV and motivation letter, practice job interviews and / or define the young person's professional ambitions.

Wie organiseert het?

DUO for a JOB vzw

Voor wie wordt het georganiseerd?

- Young people between 18 and 33 years old
- Belgians with a migration background (non-EU) OR newcomers (non-EU) with a valid residence permit (NO orange cards or student visas).
- Speaks Dutch, French or English.

Waar en wanneer?

Datum Startuur Einduur Locatie
vrijdag, 26 juli 2024 14:00 15:30 Kerkstraat 108
woensdag, 7 augustus 2024 11:00 12:30 Online
vrijdag, 23 augustus 2024 15:00 16:00 Kongostraat 42