
29 jobs voor onshore gevonden


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Electrical Package Engineer

time Online sinds 6 juni 2024 - Vaste jobs

As Electrical Package Engineer, you will:

  • Provide technical High Voltage support to the electrical package team
  • Assist in the design process, supplier selection process andfabrication and installation phase of the offshore and onshore substation and HV/MV cables
  • Identify and check the technical and contractual interfaces between substation contracts, cable supply contracts and installation contracts
  • Ensure that relevant HSE requirements are satisfied for the different contracts
  • Assist in the technical part of the Employer Requirements process
  • Report to the Electrical Package Manager.

Furthermore, during the construction phases of our projects you will follow up fabrication and construction works in the factories and the pre-assembly and construction sites.

Tasks and Responsibilities:

  • Predesign of basic electrical HV infrastructure and SLD for operating an offshore windfarm
  • Define and calculate the major components of which the electrical infrastructure of a windfarm is composed of: HV and MV cable sections, HV transformers, shunt reactors,…
  • Participate in the design review with contractors of the proposed overall electrical infrastructure for an offshore wind farm
  • Follow up the different tenders issued for the Electrical Infrastructure
  • Review the contractor's assumptions and documents to assure a feasible design as well as a design that meets the Parkwind requirements on availability and maintainability
  • Check the proposed electrical design in respect to the grid requirements of the TSO, the Parkwind Employer Requirements and interface descriptions
  • Assist in discussions with TSO/Contractor regarding grid compliance requirements, the design of the reactive power compensation and implementation
  • During production phase check quality assurance and product specification of cables produced
  • Monitoring of production schedules
  • Witnessing of the factory acceptance tests (FAT)
  • Overall inspection of the quality plan of the manufacturer and the production records (internal checks, deviations and routine tests)
  • Build up knowledge on the applicable IEC standards and the critical items during FAT of cables
  • During the onshore and offshore installation phase of the wind farm follow up and check the necessary quality assurance and control related to the offshore substation commissioning and cable installations
  • Interface coordination and management between the different scopes and parties such as the Supply and Installation Contractor of the export cable and infield cables and OHVS contractor
  • Evaluation of transport plans and provisions
  • Quality and HSE control on onshore cable installation and jointing procedures and workmanship
  • Interface coordination TSO – Contractor on HV connection, protection settings, information exchange and reactive power compensation
  • Evaluation of commissioning and test plans

Flexibility (in both directions) will be a large part of your function.Primarily you will be based in our offices in Leuven.You will have the opportunity to perform offshore visits and occasionally you will have to travel, both in Europe and overseas.

Electrical Package Engineer

time Online sinds 6 juni 2024 - Vaste jobs

As Electrical Package Engineer, you will:

  • Provide technical High Voltage support to the electrical package team
  • Assist in the design process, supplier selection process andfabrication and installation phase of the offshore and onshore substation and HV/MV cables
  • Identify and check the technical and contractual interfaces between substation contracts, cable supply contracts and installation contracts
  • Ensure that relevant HSE requirements are satisfied for the different contracts
  • Assist in the technical part of the Employer Requirements process
  • Report to the Electrical Package Manager.

Furthermore, during the construction phases of our projects you will follow up fabrication and construction works in the factories and the pre-assembly and construction sites.

Tasks and Responsibilities:

  • Predesign of basic electrical HV infrastructure and SLD for operating an offshore windfarm
  • Define and calculate the major components of which the electrical infrastructure of a windfarm is composed of: HV and MV cable sections, HV transformers, shunt reactors,…
  • Participate in the design review with contractors of the proposed overall electrical infrastructure for an offshore wind farm
  • Follow up the different tenders issued for the Electrical Infrastructure
  • Review the contractor's assumptions and documents to assure a feasible design as well as a design that meets the Parkwind requirements on availability and maintainability
  • Check the proposed electrical design in respect to the grid requirements of the TSO, the Parkwind Employer Requirements and interface descriptions
  • Assist in discussions with TSO/Contractor regarding grid compliance requirements, the design of the reactive power compensation and implementation
  • During production phase check quality assurance and product specification of cables produced
  • Monitoring of production schedules
  • Witnessing of the factory acceptance tests (FAT)
  • Overall inspection of the quality plan of the manufacturer and the production records (internal checks, deviations and routine tests)
  • Build up knowledge on the applicable IEC standards and the critical items during FAT of cables
  • During the onshore and offshore installation phase of the wind farm follow up and check the necessary quality assurance and control related to the offshore substation commissioning and cable installations
  • Interface coordination and management between the different scopes and parties such as the Supply and Installation Contractor of the export cable and infield cables and OHVS contractor
  • Evaluation of transport plans and provisions
  • Quality and HSE control on onshore cable installation and jointing procedures and workmanship
  • Interface coordination TSO – Contractor on HV connection, protection settings, information exchange and reactive power compensation
  • Evaluation of commissioning and test plans

Flexibility (in both directions) will be a large part of your function.Primarily you will be based in our offices in Leuven.You will have the opportunity to perform offshore visits and occasionally you will have to travel, both in Europe and overseas.

Job | Senior Legal Counsel Specialised Finance | Brussel

time Online sinds 18 juli 2024 - Vaste jobs

Starters op weg zetten naar succes, particulieren hun dromen helpen waarmaken, ondernemers ondersteunen in hun groei… Als je bij bank-verzekeraar Belfius aan de slag gaat, speel je elke dag een rol van betekenis in de samenleving.Meer nog: je loopt voorop en je investeert tegelijk ook in jezelf.


We rekenen op jou om in nauw overleg en in partnership met de commerciële medewerkers en de risicoanalisten bij te dragen tot de structurering, de negotiatie en het afsluiten van complexe financieringstransacties ter ondersteuning van de activiteiten van de volgende commerciële afdelingen (in het kader van bilaterale, club deal en gesyndiceerde kredieten):
* “Specialised Corporate Lending”: financieringen van overnames van vennootschappen, algemene werkkapitaalbehoeften, exportfinanciering, scheepsfinanciering, en financiering van haveninstallaties; en
* “Real Estate & Project Finance”: projectfinancieringen van hernieuwbare energie installaties (onshore/offshore windmolenparken, fotovoltaïsche installaties,…) en van infrastructuurwerken (onder meer in het kader van een publiek private samenwerking (PPS)) en financiering van vastgoedprojecten door privé investeerders waarbij Belfius Bank of één van zijn dochterondernemingen optreedt als financier, promotor of investeerder (onder meer in het kader van een PPS).

De job in een notendop

Je bent eindverantwoordelijke voor het verstrekken van juridische adviezen in deze complexe domeinen.In functie van het type project en de rol van Belfius Bank in ieder project, zal je eveneens de documentatie met betrekking tot deze transacties kritisch nalezen of opstellen (zoals term sheets, kredietovereenkomsten, zekerheidsdocumenten, projectdocumenten, due diligence rapporten en afgeleide documenten) en onderhandelen met het oog op een vlotte afhandeling zonder daarbij de kwaliteitsstandaarden uit het oog te verliezen.
Bij de behandeling van je dossiers sta je rechtstreeks in contact met klanten, andere afdelingen van de bank (front office, back office, kredietbeslissers, kredietrisicomanagement, compliance, intensief beheer, invordering) en externe partijen (advocaten, financiële instellingen, notarissen, enz.)
Bovendien zal je actief meewerken aan de ontwikkeling van onze juridische IT tools voor het opstellen en negotiatie van contracten/clausules: modelkredietovereenkomsten en zekerheidsovereenkomsten, databank van clausules, interne guidelines ontwikkelen en onderhouden.
Het is daarom noodzakelijk dat je onder meer over een grondige kennis beschikt van het ondernemingsrecht, vennootschapsrecht, verbintenissenrecht, zakelijke rechten en zekerhedenrecht.
Je staat tevens in voor het opvolgen van en het anticiperen op de wetgeving en de marktpraktijken binnen de rechtsdomeinen die noodzakelijk zijn voor het geven van correcte en bruikbare adviezen, met speciale aandacht voor de risico’s en opportuniteiten die daaruit voortvloeien.
Je houdt een vinger aan de pols door een bijdrage te leveren aan competence centers of practice groups met het oog op kennisverwerving en –deling, vertegenwoordiging van de bank in interbancaire werkgroepen en je aanwezigheid op netwerk events.