
48 jobs voor user administrator gevonden


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European Endowment for Democracy - IT Expert / Systems Administrator

time Online sinds 15 juli 2024 - Vaste jobs
The European Endowment for Democracy (EED) is seeking highly skilled and motivated IT Experts including Systems Administrators to manage and enhance its IT infrastructure.The ideal candidate(s) will have extensive experience in Windows AD management, Office 365 administration, Azure, AWS, and user support.They will play a critical role in ensuring the security, efficiency, and reliability of EED's IT systems and services.
The candidate must have Bachelor's degree in Information Technology, Computer Science, or a related field and have at least six years of relevant IT experience.
Location: Brussels, with potential for telecommuting from nearby regions.
Employment Type: Full-Time (a service contract may also be considered depending on individual circumstances).
Deadline for applications is Sunday, 1 September
The European Endowment for Democracy (EED) is an independent, grant-making organisation, established in 2013 by the European Union (EU) and EU member states to foster democracy in the countries of the European Neighbourhood and beyond.
This is a great opportunity to join a dynamic and international team in a challenging and varied role.
Key Responsibilities
Active Directory and Windows Server Management
- Manage and Maintain: Windows Active Directory (AD) including domain controllers, certificate authority, and file server.
- Administration: Ensure AD policies, user accounts, and group policies are correctly implemented and maintained.
- Security: Configure and manage security settings and permissions within AD.
Office 365 Administration
- Office 365 Management: Administer Office 365 services including user accounts, email, and collaboration tools.
- Security and Compliance: Implement and monitor security measures using Office 365 Defender and other security tools.
- Support and Training: Provide user support and training for Office 365 applications.
Azure Administration
- Azure Services: Manage Azure services including Virtual Machines (VMs), SQL databases, and Azure Active Directory (Azure AD).
- Security: Utilize Azure Sentinel for security monitoring and incident management.
- Optimization: Monitor and optimize the performance of Azure resources.
Office Access System
- Maintenance and Support: Oversee the maintenance, upgrades, and troubleshooting of the system.
- Security: Ensure the security and integrity of the system.
AWS Knowledge and Management
- AWS Services: Manage AWS services 
- Administration: Perform routine checks, updates, and backups of AWS resources.
- Optimization: Monitor AWS resources for cost-efficiency and performance.
User Support and Hardware Management
- Technical Support: Provide technical support to users for IT issues, devices, and in-house applications.
- Hardware Management: Oversee the purchase, maintenance, and updates of hardware and software.
- Inventory Management: Maintain an up-to-date inventory of all IT equipment.
Database Management
- Maintain and support databases, ensuring data integrity and performance.
- Backups and Recovery: Implement backup and recovery solutions for databases.
IT Security
- Configuration and Monitoring: Configure security settings for all IT systems and monitor for potential security threats.
- Compliance: Ensure all IT systems comply with security policies and best practices.
Hypervisors Management
- Manage and maintain virtualized environments.
o Configure, deploy, and manage virtual machines 
o Administer and troubleshoot virtual machines and infrastructure
- Optimization:.

CRM Application Specialist

time Online sinds 19 juli 2024 - Vaste jobs

As a CRM Application Specialist, your tasks will include:

  • Administering and configuring CRM systems, including Salesforce and legacy Dot.Net applications, to support business processes and workflows;
  • Managing user access, security settings, and data integrity within the CRM platforms;
  • Implementing customizations and enhancements to meet evolving business requirements, leveraging your expertise in CRM technologies;
  • Providing ongoing support and troubleshooting assistance to users, addressing inquiries, resolving issues, and ensuring optimal system utilization;
  • Developing and delivering training programs and materials to educate users on CRM functionalities, best practices and updates;
  • Acting as a liaison between end-users and technical teams, facilitating communication and driving resolution of user issues;
  • Collaborating with stakeholders to gather requirements, assessing system performance, and identifying opportunities for optimization;
  • Recommending and implementing enhancements to CRM systems, such as workflow automations, custom reports, and dashboards, to improve efficiency and productivity;
  • staying informed about industry trends and best practices in CRM technology, proactively suggesting improvements and innovations;
  • Participating in CRM-related projects, including system upgrades, migrations, integrations, and new implementations;
  • Working closely with cross-functional teams, including sales, marketing, and IT, to define project scope, requirements and timelines;
  • Coordinating with internal resources and external vendors/consultants to ensure successful project delivery, support, and adherence to quality standards;
  • Overseeing the performance of vendors, ensuring alignment with project objectives, timelines and budgetary constraints.


As a CRM Application Specialist, you will play a crucial role in managing, optimizing, developing, and supporting our organization's CRM.Do you have a blend of technical experience, project management skills and a deep understanding of business needs, and are you ready to be a part of a pioneering company at the forefront of dental technology?Then you might be the person we're looking for!

Expert Support Engineer

time Online sinds 14 mei 2024 - Vaste jobs
Elke dag beleef je iets kleurrijks in deze functie:Je staat samen met een collega in voor het beheer van de SCCM & Intune omgeving voor end user apparatuurJe staat in voor het beheer van de M365 omgevingJe staat in voor configuratie, uitrol & upgrades, beveiliging, gebruikersbeheer, continuïteit, performantie… van onze applicaties.Je zorgt voor het assetbeheer en uitrol van de eindgebruikers hardware (desktops, printers, scanners, barcodelezers, mobiele toestellen… ).Je bewaakt rapporten en lost security en IT problemen proactief op.Je wordt ingeschakeld voor uitvoering grotere projecten (Multifunctional vervanging, verhuizen, Windows 11 uitrol,…)Je maakt, samen met de collega’s ICT, deel uit van een beurtrol voor wachtdienst ICT – dit na een inwerkperiode.Welke kleuren staan je goed?Je beschikt over een bachelor IT (of gelijkwaardig door ervaring) en hebt reeds enkele jaren relevante ervaring als administrator van SCCM & Intune omgeving;Je hebt ervaring in volgende domeinen: SCCM & Intune, Powershell scripting, Active Directory, Office 365Je hebt een brede IT kennis: diverse client hardware, protocols en standaarden, netwerk, wireless, databases, virtualisatie, security, videoconf systemen, IP telefonie;Je bent een flexibele teamplayer met een klantvriendelijke en servicegerichte instelling;Je bent leergierig en resultaatgericht;Je kan zelfstandig projecten coördineren en deadlines behalen.Je hebt analyse vermogen om een diepgaandere troubleshooting te doen.Je kan je vlot schriftelijk uitdrukken in het Nederlands en kan een probleem kort, bondig en duidelijk uitschrijven.Ervaring met ticketregistratie, schriftelijke professionele communicatie en creatie van didactisch materiaal.Je beschikt over een rijbewijs type B;Flexibiliteit: je draait mee in wachtdienst ICT, je wordt tewerkgesteld op campus Aalst, maar bent bereid om je te verplaatsen naar onze andere campi (Asse, Ninove en vanaf 2025 ook Aalst Merestraat, Wetteren en Geraardsbergen.)Welke rooskleurige toekomst bieden wij jou?Voor deze job vol kleur bieden we een contract van onbepaalde duur in een voltijdse tewerkstelling.Daarnaast biedt het OLV Ziekenhuis een attractief en veelkleurig beloningspalet om de loyaliteit en prestaties van alle OLV medewerkers te waarderen.We hebben oog voor zowel financiële (loon, extra legale voordelen, benefits,…) als niet financiële (groeikansen, autonomie en verantwoordelijkheden,…) elementen.Lees er meer over op deze pagina:https://www.olvz.be/nl/arbeidsvoorwaarden voor olv werknemersVoor meer informatie kan je vrijblijvend contact opnemen met Krista De Neve, Dienstverantwoordelijke Infrastructuur & Servicedesk, 053 72 45 74.Een gedetailleerd CV geeft ons meer informatie over uw relevante opleiding en ervaring, zodat wij beter kunnen inschatten of u voor een bepaalde vacature in aanmerking komt.